Sunday, March 27, 2005

Still Here

Hello, I've been absent, focussing on my new dada which is early
computer programming.

Whatever happened to computer art anyway?

I've been pondering a lot about old
resurfacing art topics, about wrether
or not artists would be better off
quitting the stage of the gallery
space, stopping to wish to circumscribe
their art from everything else

I think the gallery space has been the 20th
century's laboratory for the exploration
of ideas long enough, and as art itself is
slowly turning back into commodity, I see
the future artists as expanding their
ideas into everyday sphere, at the risk
of defying categorization.

In 50 years, I see less galleries, less museums,
and more of reunions, festivals, schools,
where artists will test ephemeral ideas or
present prototypes of artistic infiltration,
assumed to be part of general life experience.

Sort of a meeting place where the terms design and art
don't mean a thing anymore.

In the meantime, so to grant you that you didn't
come here for nothing, I'm presenting this site
about GPS gaming and art
which I consider to be my
Art Site Of The Month. This is the future!

I'll try select one site per month and than
categorize them with winners at the end of the
year. I'll be looking for the impossible:
sites that manage to break the foundations
of what is assumed to be art nowaday. I already
got my next month's link.

By the way, I still got 3 articles ready
since two weeks, but since I can only give
part time to this blog, I've yet to organize
all the necessary links for them (a process
that can take more time than actually writting
comments). These are comments on Norma Jeane,
Sarah Lucas and Marc Quinn.

I will need to reduce this art gallery commenting,
which was the first reason I started this blog, to one
show per week (I'm already late), than add some
in row if I can find extra free time.

I am a pig at discovering things. I don't even
find the time to relate all what I've been into
in the past two weeks, but let's say that
I haven't seen a single art show since (for me,
that's rare).

The last show I've seen deserves an article
for all the wrong reasons. It was Language
Of Intercessions presented in 3 Montreal
galleries. A show that only prove that art
curating based on racial identity can be
sometimes problematic, categorically outdated
and a void of pertinence.


Cedric Caspesyan

PS: actually, tomorrow I'll attempt to catch yet another show
suggested by Chris Zeke.


Blogger Zeke's, the Montreal Art Gallery said...


OK, I'll bite. Which one?

March 28, 2005 at 6:06 PM  
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