Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Best Of 2005

Well I haven't yet compiled my best of 2004 that there is already an exhibit that is
a SERIOUS contender for the list of best exhibits in 2005.

Yo ! People ! Don't miss the BGL show at Mercer Union !

It's called "Besoin De croire/Need To Believe" and there ain't nothing more I'm
able to say about it at the moment because it functions as a pun and I don't
want to spoil your fun.

Maybe I'll wait after the exhibit is over to write my thoughts about it,
but let's just say for now that it ends February 19,
and the adress is 37 Lisgar Street (that micro-Chelsea of Toronto, strictly speaking of outlook).

I repeat: best of 2005. Ok?


Cedric Caspesyan


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